Meet Patti Jones
My yoga journey began in 2012.
I had been divorced, was raising three children completely on my own, and working full time.
I was juggling life instead of living it. Gaining weight like it was going out of style, with little time for working out or preparing healthy foods.
I knew I needed to bring a little grounding to my life.
If I went to the gym and jumped on a treadmill, I spent the entire time thinking of my endless To-Do list (and how I had no time for this treadmill business when there was real work to be done).
in a class, I was dedicated.
I knew I had booked this time and was committed to it. Plus, I was not going to withstand the embarrassment of giving up early or walking out of class before it was over.

I also learned that I was blessed with a very special gift that most overweight people don’t possess....
I don’t care what other people think of my size, or my physical fitness level; my journey is my own.
I am comfortable in my skin, no matter what my size.
Now, this doesn’t mean that I always like the way my jeans fit, just that my overall self image, and self-esteem is pretty high for a person of substantial size. I wanted to do yoga. I didn’t care if I didn’t blend in (I don’t often blend in), but I was going to do show up, learn, and figure all this out.
Most people who begin their weight loss journey are uncomfortable in their own skin. They feel judged by most of our society, like everyone is looking at them.
How many times have you felt like the fat girl in the room?
Plus, when we often think of the image yoga class is that it is full of skinny, perfect, bendy, flexible people.
Those of us in the yoga community know that this is actually far from the truth, and that we are all battling our own demons (yes, even those skinny, perfect, bendy flexible people battle their inner critic).
So, that’s how I got here. I fell in love. Head over heels in love with that feeling of accomplishment; the grounding that yoga gave me.

My practice wasn’t perfect. It still isn’t, but it doesn't need to be. That's not the point.
I've created the kind of community that I always wanted - a welcoming, warm, enjoyable space to feel safe to dive deep.
A community that teaches you to work on you, and not worry about others.
An entire philosophy that guides you in growing, in becoming, of letting go, of just simply being.. In being the best you that you can be and knowing that
that is enough.
I am so delighted to welcome you to this community, too.